Monday, July 30, 2007

On The Road... Again.

If you break down that chorus from a very popular song it contains an entirely different meaning to me than it does anyone else I know. I never thought I would be on the road again. As I drove through the different states today, Alabama, Mississippi, I was so proud that I was able to experience being in those areas of the country once again. And I also felt freed from my dungeon that for the last year and a half has been 1238 Queens Island Court. I felt liberated too from the feelings that come with, at this moment, living in Jacksonville for me; Im talking about regret, self-hatred, doubt, anxiety, among many others. Well, I think this is a good start to this my new blog. I am in a hotel room, and I have some food waiting.

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We are momentarily leaving Mississippi, this is the Mississippi state flower, its a magnolia.


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